Changing the Rules of Hiring

Amazon made global headlines by announcing its search for a North American city to host its second headquarters. Currently based in Seattle, the company expects to spend over $5 billion building its new location, and to create up to 50,000 new jobs there.

Such an enormous financial influx will be a game-changer for the chosen city in both obvious and surprising ways. While the current business climate first comes to mind, there’s no denying that the area’s politics will change as well.

To offer the strongest bid possible, many cities’ municipal governments are banding together. Support from local elected officials will clearly be important, but stories of cooperation on every government level are being shared. It’s a testament to the strong, desired influence the cutting-edge company is sure to have.

When it comes to heavy-hitting opportunities, is your business ready to step up? How can you make sure your team is stocked with the highest-caliber employees to take on high-caliber roles?

CRI’s proven record of successful recruiting strategies is here to help your business grow with the times.

Lightning Speed

Even with modern technology, collecting and reviewing candidate applications is a full-time job. Let CRI pick up the pace for you with our efficient interview strategies and employee selection process.

We offer an array of assessments to narrow down top candidates in any open role. These tests decipher where a candidate’s strengths lie in comparison to industry benchmarks, and provide training recommendations for current employees ready to take on advanced roles.

Rather than relying on impressions alone, you’ll have decades worth of data to fuel and reinforce your hiring decisions. All within a single business day, the span of time it takes to complete and process assessment results.

Flat-Fee Recruiting Service

Given that time is money, CRI’s hiring tools can cut out extra costs that come with filling an open position. We offer a flat-rate fee for our four-step recruiting process: The employee application and resume review, job qualification pre-screening, candidate assessment, and telephone interview for those who qualify.  

By including each of these steps in one cost-efficient package, your HR team can look at the facts clearly and quickly, without taking time away from their other daily duties. The power to hire the best candidate remains in your hands, with CRI providing data-based backup.

Once a candidate is hired, there is no additional fee. CRI’s fee structure is a fraction of the usual 25% to 35% of the first year’s compensation that other recruiters normally charge.

We offer an outstanding value for employers, because when your business succeeds, so do we. We believe our hiring solutions are something everyone can get behind, from municipal government employees to world-leading CEOs.

Whether your company is the size of Amazon, or a single-digit startup, we’re here to help you rally the best team together. Contact us today to begin optimizing your recruitment process.