CRI Hiring


Empowering organizations with articles and resources to manage hiring better.


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Navigating the Modern Hiring Landscape

In today’s hiring climate, HR professionals face an evolving set of challenges: a tight labor market, shifting candidate expectations, and the...

7 HR Trends That Will Define the Workplace in 2025

The role of HR is evolving rapidly as companies adapt to shifting workforce expectations, technological advancements, and new regulatory...

Why Digital Footprints Matter for HR

In today’s interconnected world, digital footprints—the trail of data left behind by individuals through their online activities—have become a...

Human skills still outpace demand for AI skills

While artificial intelligence and machine learning-related job postings continue to increase, the demand for “human skills” — including leadership,...

Benchmarking & Human Capital

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The Benefits of Benchmarking Is your organization effectively engaging the human capital it needs to compete?...

Adaptive Employees Drive Innovation

With technology constantly evolving and improving, employers must stay ahead. Even with the latest software, protocols, languages, and platforms,...

Critical Recruiting & Hiring Criteria

No wonder the words “criteria” and “critical” are related. Using the proper recruitment criteria and hiring...

Restructure work to manage talent gaps

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]No matter what circumstances influence the workforce more broadly, most companies consistently compete to hire...

Top 10 Workplace Tips for HR

Anticipating Employee Needs How does your work environment measure up to an employee's expectations? These ten pointers from the perspective of a...

Understanding Employment Assessments

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]When evaluating candidates for hiring, training, and performance review, HR professionals appreciate having as...


Employee Benchmarks

Assess, Benchmark, Recruit

Hiring Strategy

Test of an organization

MAKE Data-Backed Decisions

The CRI Review

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